Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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11 entries this month

15:27 Dec 31 2013
Times Read: 738

Been a hard few days. Sis brought in a bad chest cold when she returned from her 'off time' away from Mom/ brother care. She just had a little hack, but by Friday everyone was getting sick. I had the body pain, the ear pain, the pounding head, the cough, the cough up, the eye ready to burn in my skull kind of pain. Seems it hit me faster then the others.

Mom got it Saturday. Truth told I don't remember much about Saturday/ or Sunday. I slept most of those days between hacking a lung up, running to the bathroom to pee always, and throwing up any kind of soup I put in me. Even OJ got thrown back up.

I do remember the two time Mom fell out of bed as she 'thinks' she is able to walk the few feet to her port potty, and the 911 calls as I just couldn't help pick her up off the floor. My brother is also sick by this time so... Mom just couldn't help herself, she was so sick.

Trip to the drug store for diapers, bed pan, etc and we got her back to bed. I sent the boys onto the job alone, as I just needed to be here to try and get medican. We all three share the same Dr- Mom, sis and I. Sis had a apt for her yearly on Friday, they gave her some meds. I warned her I woke up sick, see if they would give me something too.

Of course- they did give her a refil, but it could not be refilled till her ten day supply was gone.

Safe to say Monday I ruined what voice I had telling the nurse how just fucked up that was- and that I wanted not only meds for me but for my mother today. Now.

"You will need to bring her in..." "She has her yearly apointmen in a few weeks, it is the same cold my sister has." "But we need to see.." "Look honey. Unless you are willing to walk your ass over here, dead lift my 200 plus mother up, dress her, put her in a wheel chair, into a car, out of the car, wait with her in a waiting room for hours, then lift her back in the car, then back into the house- or the Dr. is willing to make a house call then call in the meds. We can't .. CAN'T DO IT! She needs help, we all need help but her more then us. At her age this could kill her. So do something!"

The good Dr. agree to the meds. *rolls eyes* Act of fucking god to get meds from these folks.

They even threw in some for me. I think to keep me from coming up there, really. Because trust me, I would of bitched about it to anyone in the waiting room.

Vicky has returned late yesterday, taking her last few days off from work to help with Mom. It is bad when the normal support team of three is down, even the extra who is my sister that lives out of town. When the support team needs a support team- you know shit is hitting the fan.

We was talking about the ER/ hospital stay but then.. they might not of kept her, so we would of been in the same boat, just a huge bill on top of it.

We all got meds now, Vicky, our saint, is here to help us. No jobs to worry about at work so....

I just want to cug some Nightquil and sleep like the dead for the next two days.

And to top it all off - five cold sores are covering my mouth this morning. Yeah... everytime I get a cold, stress out...

I look like someone punched the shit out of me, busted my lip wide open.


Just want a dark room to hide in some days.



01:11 Jan 01 2014

:( I'm sorry you're not feeling well and are so stressed.

Thinking about you, hope everyone starts feeling better. *hugs*


00:12 Dec 28 2013
Times Read: 754

Been forever since I wrote in here. Let's see...

Christmas went well. Family was all in, got a few gifts that I shouldn't of. Sis got her three weeks time off from taking care of Mom/ Brother. She even took the time to make home made candy/ fudge for everyone. :) It was just a nice time of the year, being with the family. We didn't work Tue/ Wen so it was good to spend it with Cat and her family. Then my own. I just miss time with Birdy and her family, they always a fun crowd to be with.

I had company at my home for a few days. Meaning I slept in my guest bedroom, in my small bed. Not that bad, but I do so miss my own bed. But they was great guest, and as I joked my home is cleaner now then when they walked in the door. Vicky and her Mom- her Mom likes to clean and I like to let her. lol I tried to keep up tho, making sure she didn't have any to do. I did come home today after a 13 hour move to see they had put my dishes up out of the dish drainer. lol She just had to do something, or she just don't feel right. :)

Sis did bring in a cold- woke up with a sore throat this AM. I don't know if it is the dust/ lack of air machine in the guest room. Either way I am going to sleep late, and enjoy my big bed again.

A few loads of laundry and the house work is done. Good thing about company. lol

Another 10 or 11 hour job Monday, then if not too late, over to Cat's for her family Christmas belated dinner. Looking forward to that. We did steaks as that was the family meal started by my father years ago. Cat is going to do ham and lots more.

Then New Years which will find me like the normal, in bed and asleep by the time the ball drops. No work for New Years Eve but a Dr. Apt for Mom that I am to help with taking her to.

Might have the company back. They are in town visiting niece who has the only grandbabe in the family, they are trying to spend as much time as they can with the babe as the mother who is in the military- goes back overseas, for another year.

They could stay with Mom, we had the extra bed, but it kind of upsets Mom if you add folks to her normal day/ life. So little fuss of me in my single bed/ guest room to keep that from happening.

If I can get a rent trailer off my list to get rented, the year is ending on a good notes for me. :)

So...yeah, my life of late.



03:40 Dec 29 2013

I truly miss doing the holidays with family...fortunately, that will change!

It looks like you had a nice time, and I may do the same for the New Year...lol


01:08 Dec 27 2013
Times Read: 796

I am a dude? Hahaha... well I can say I am more a 'man' then you little Guru.



01:19 Dec 27 2013


03:00 Dec 27 2013

you,re a man?????

hum would you be MY man then? I know I am in my 40's but they say its in their 40's that woman are at their sex peak ;)


03:29 Dec 27 2013

wow this is news to me

04:26 Dec 27 2013

I swore I saw this entry a bit ago.

03:42 Dec 29 2013

That's exactly the answer I'd give...


17:13 Dec 23 2013
Times Read: 805

As 2013 comes closer to an end I have to say it seems this year has flown by. Don't know where the time got this year, the days I had plan to do this and that. The weather of Fall gone right into winter it seems, such a sort time span of my favorite holiday/ time of year.

Plans for 2014? Don't really have any. Plans are just a way to set yourself up for 'fuck ups' so I plan to play the year by ear.

I do see some trips coming up once the weather goes into spring, maybe a trip around this time next year out of state.

All in all, not a bad year to of lived. :)



11:35 Dec 24 2013

Have a great holiday and a fantastic 2014 .. x


22:49 Dec 19 2013
Times Read: 815

Breaking Bad- freaking loved the show. :D

I signed up for a free trail on Netflix streaming just to watch it.

My gods but what a great show! The ending... classic.

Love every second of it, really wished it had stayed on longer. But they ended it when it made sense to end it.

Any fan out there can tell me the line "Say my name" came from. I know Walter did it in the 5th season but didn't someone use the line before in the show? Bugging me as I swear it is from something else on the show.

Mike- the man. Hank, Brother in Law DEA - the man. And the bombing of Gus, I swear when he walked out the room, straighten his tie, I was like "No fucking way did he make it out alive!" LOVED the makeup on that face, best best BEST part of the show.

Big fan!




00:21 Dec 13 2013
Times Read: 837

I use to collect teddy bears. Had a whole bunch, like over 50. Every holiday, birthday folks got me them. When it got out of hand I pulled the special ones out and donated the others.

When I say special I mean nice ones, and odd ones.

Like ones dress up like bunnie, snowman, deer. Ones in winter fur coats, santas, fall pumpkin, vampire, angles, all kinds.

I tried to keep them per season on my living room chair. Tonight I pulled out the winter/ Santa/ Deer ones and placed them in the chair.

My only touch of Christmas/ Winter so far. I did get all my fall decorations in the car tho, just have to take them to the warehouse for storage.

No tree for me this year. Might dig out the ceramic tree. The wreath made of tree decorations/ box of matching loose ones to place about the place.

Other then that- just not in the mood.

I did put a tree up this year- Cat's sister's tree. I see it 4 days of the week. I see the lights, the nice wreaths she has, the santa/ snowman she has in places in the home. Maybe that got me out of the mood to do anything for my own home.


Or maybe I just don't have the "la la la" of the season going on.

I am so enjoying the cold tho. :)

And today I booked a large move right up to Christmas day. Work is so slow I don't think the guys will mind the work. Going to ask them Monday when we have our next job, to make sure I got a crew of 4 men. I want to get this job loaded, moved, and home ASAP on Christmas Eve.

So let's hope the desire to decorate hits by morning, or we just might not put much up at all.



10:48 Dec 13 2013

Hope you have a wonderful Xmas hun .. x

02:13 Dec 19 2013

Glad you got the work, hope the guys show up and you get to come over x-mas eve too :)


22:11 Dec 06 2013
Times Read: 854

Rain all day with temps at 37.

Snow/ice is less then 60 miles north of us.


Well to say it in a way only a southern woman can say ...

"Kiss my ass snow, stay up north."


We are under flood watch.

WHY!! That could be snow! A few feet of snow!!





14:45 Dec 05 2013
Times Read: 869

Did a move a few months ago for a company that, more or less, runs group homes. A few days later I get a call from the head supervisor on the place that the truck 'broke' the sidewalk. He sent me photos of the before and after of this sidewalk.

Before it was cracked, broken, uneven by in spots by about 8 inches. Tree roots had done a number on it, clearly seen.

The after had hair line cracks in one spot.

He asked me about repair and I told him-

1- you gave permission to do it.

2- those cracks mean nothing. The whole sidewalk will have to be relaid. But I could come 'fill' in the crack, if he wanted.

Next thing I knew he sent me a $3000.00 bill in a email to relay the whole thing. I sent back I wasn't paying any of it. He had a fit.

Well I in turn sent the bill to his headquarters that wasn't paid, along with his emails and the photos.

Just got a call from the new lady in the position, calling to make sure we got the bill handled, and never said a word of the sidewalk. I said I had sent the bill to Mr. XX and she said he was no longer with the company, she would need the bill so she could see it was paid in full.

Moral of the story- don't try and ripe folks off. Anyone with common knowledge knew that sidewalk had to be dug up, ground level back out if not moved away from the tree, and put back down. My little crack was like pointing out a small dent in a car that was total in a wreck. And he gave permission or he wouldn't of had the two photos to start with, and he said he did.

Oh well... trying to cheat folks is never a good thing.



17:03 Dec 05 2013

Better to send back a picture of a severed horses' head!

But a great result for you guys :-)


15:51 Dec 04 2013
Times Read: 883

"A three day weather event is coming, bring with it all kinds of weather extremes" weather man said on the TV.

It better bring me some snow asshole..

"Starting out with rain, sleet then into snow for parts.."

Who wants to bet it will snow 40 miles from me while we get the god damn rain?

"Then it will turn cold, only in the upper 20's for the weekend."

Perfect time to stay in, watch the snow fall... :)

"Now- how much snow? Well.. that is hard to tell right now."


"There is going to be a line, some getting the snow, some the rain.."

--.-- Fucker

"But we are expecting a good 4 inch of the stuff, be it rain or snow.."

*flips the TV guy off*

*digs out her rubber boots, rain coat*

God damn south... screws me over my snow all the time.

*shakes the snow voodoo doll*

Bring me snow damn it... I want SNOW!




17:59 Dec 03 2013
Times Read: 893

Annnnndddd she is off! :D Sis who is Mom/ brother care giver has a three week vacation away as my other sister has come down to take her place.

Leaves us with only one car, but we will make due. I got all my long trips done, in for the winter anyway.

Bills are sent out, just leaves me taxes to prep for the end of the year. Some Dr. apointments later this month for Mom.

:D In other words- I am ready for that 4 feet of snow that will stay on the ground for a week ANNNY time now. ;)




00:27 Dec 02 2013
Times Read: 929

Meeper and Sevenn were two members of this site I really wanted to meet. Meeper for the spunky, caring, funny humor you read in her words. She has always been there with a kind word to cheer you up, her smile when my name appears in her cam window with the “Rattttt!” just made you feel like a long lost friend found. And her love of pets, care given to mate.

Sevenn… well, and Meeper and I talked about this. Sevenn always kind of scared me. Lol When I would see the icon on my ‘last ten’ I kind of cringed, thinking I did something wrong. As an active Regent, I just felt he was a strong, ruling kind of person. Meeper would tell me I was being silly, Sevenn liked me. But Sevenn also always came across as a person you really want to know. Intelligence is a powerful draw for me, I like being around folks who have lived an interesting life, who comes from those events in life, who they have become who they are. Sevenn always kind of hit me as a person who you would just want to sit, talk to, listen.

So time went by and it was a holiday weekend that Sevenn called me himself. He wanted to tell me how much he liked my photos, had been in an airport and the art gallery artwork didn’t hold a candle to mine. He wanted to pay me for my images, get me to sign them, hand them on his walls. I will not take any money, downloaded them for him to get as he wished.

His words encouraged me and made me less afraid of him. I took his praise and said “You know what… they are good. Not everyone’s taste but hey- who would want to be? A few first places in photos contest, comments made to me by the judges, made me understand I ain’t the worst person with a camera.

He also suspended a member who was spamming members with PM asking for ‘sex talk’. I made fun of the member message in my journal as others had, and he suspended it with the words along the line of “We don’t need that kind of crap on the site.” He will not remember that, but I did. It seemed fitting he would protect, care for members here.

So a trip was made to meet these two when they were in the area, tight hugs given, laughter, and joy. I got over my fear of Sevenn when the tight hug was given to me by him within a few seconds of him getting out of the car.. Oh- he is still a powerful, interesting person but now I am not afraid to be “me” about him.

And Meeper? Lol She is a little TNT in a package, she smiles, laughs, and not afraid to have her say. I like that in a woman, she is the perfect match for Sevenn. She is the kind that sits and reads folks. She had a read on us within a few minutes I swear, then I felt like she fit right in. I guess it was Cat’s cussing that got the ice broken. She got us with all barrels and stood her own, not a easy thing to do for most. And she can give a “tone” with the best. Lol

As we three sat in the tight backseat of my little car, two best friends in the world Cat and Birdy in the front seat, I took a second to look around the car. Meeper in all her lovely bundle of energy beside me, with the fun loving Sevenn beside her, the car filled with our voices as we sang Christmas carols, pointing out the lights we loved as we drove thru the underground tunnel Christmas light show. I could of said “Wow- we have two master vampires, a ex master, and an ex Regent” but didn’t. VR brought us together, I give it credit for many of the great folks I have meet off here. But in my mind I was thinking “Look- more friends to have, more folks I can be happy around, or sad. They accept and ..well.. who can’t fall in love with these two who sing with you only a few hours after meeting you in person.” But that is it- Meeper has never felt like a stranger to me, and now Sevenn doesn’t either.

More friends VR has lead me to in my life.



00:50 Dec 02 2013

What an awesome entry...to meet and like other members of VR!

I hope that you all have a rockin' good time...keep on singin' and cussin'!

01:09 Dec 02 2013

They were two very intelligent and affable people, wish they would pop back more often but then again I manage to keep up with them on FB so I'm good.

But it is great meeting members you gel with and that's why I can't wait to meet you when you turn up in London ;-)

01:14 Dec 02 2013

I am so glad you got to meet them! Those are two of the people I'd love to meet as well. If I could afford it, my butt would have been on a plane awhile ago to meet them.

Sevenn first taught me how to play 5x5x5. He had so much patience with me. Went over the rules numerous times until it clicked for me.

MeepMeep has always been fun. I can't wait to get her drunk in person one time so I can be face to face with her when she swears at me. LOL I love it. I don't know why, but it always makes me giggle when she's had a few to drink and then she swears at me. It makes me want to pinch her cheeks.

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